The great bewb betrayal of 2015

One of the perks of my being a fattie with flair is that I have mega cute DD breasts. Apart from my eyes and fabulous sense of humour, my breasts are one of my best features. I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve admired their weight and shape more than once, buying dresses with swooping necklines to show off their perfect swell and pretending I didn’t notice when my dinner partner couldn’t stop looking at them. And, to be honest, the inner naughty kid in me enjoyed that my cup size matched my initials. Like, if that isn’t fate, what is?

Today, however, for the first time, I bought a bra that was smaller that the bra before it.

The thing is, when you think about losing mass, you never think that that mass might come from a body part you actually love. I’m not setting out to lose weight- the way I look is just fine with me- but I do believe in health at every size. My post on October 21 spoke about some of the things I’d quit this year, like alcohol and soft drink, which naturally meant a decrease in sugars and unhealthiness, but that was really all I was doing. My food intake didn’t change, and I certainly didn’t start *shudder* exercising. But things happen and a combination of dietary shifts, being a stingy fuck who doesn’t want to pay for lunch as much anymore and being sick recently, has meant that I’ve lost some mass this year. Unfortunately, in a case of abject betrayal, that mass has come off my boobs.

What. Even.

When I first noticed that the double handful had become a bit less than, I was honestly confused. Um, excuse me, ladies? What is this? Why have you betrayed me? My DD curves had softened and I was outraged.

Then, my bras no longer fit. I had a hot date last night, and the hour I spent going through my wardrobe, looking for a bra that turned my boobs into babes was an exercise in futility. As any breast-toting person is aware, those things are expensive. All of a sudden, my $60 splurges were wasted cash and I was flopping all over the place. Boobs, you skanks, don’t get all soft on me! I need this, ladies! What’s a fattie to do, when all of a sudden her main meat bags were turning on her??

I experimented in socks and tissues, those asset enhancing main stays of the poor less-than-Ds that I’d met before. I’d always kind of pitied the girls that needed them. My DDs were bra-stuffers enough, I didn’t need to lug around laundry, not with these puppies. But, now, the tissues were flying, and my constant battle with the sock thief reached epic proportions. I considered just rushing to the shops for a new bra before the date, but I wasn’t that crazy yet. This mass reduction may not last, after all, and buying a too-small breast bundler was just so much wasted cash, you know?

I went to the date in an old bra, and just resigned myself to a sad night of deflated lady lumps. The dress looked great, anyway, even if it was loose in the top. And, I mean, I didn’t even know if I wanted my gals to shine for this date yet. How much did I want to impress her?

But, the horror, the date went well! I liked her! It was a disaster! My girls had let me down, right in front a hot girl that I actually wanted to like me.

I could not be more disappointed in my boobs. I wished I could give them a time out, but standing in the corner for an hour just to punish the lifeless flesh on my torso seemed a bit extreme. Lifeless flesh generally doesn’t notice that sort of thing, anyway. Maybe I could kill them with kindness? I don’t know, it seemed worth a try.

I took them off to the two-for-one sales and set about buying a new brazier.

Imagine my reaction when I learned that my perky DDs had become Cs overnight. That’s an AVERAGE size. It’s a 60% grade. A “C” is practically a FAIL, damn it! I was horrified. And, even worse, the shops with the cheaper bras stubbornly refused to stock my size in any section I explored. I resigned myself to my fate and walked into the expensive section.

And, wonder of wonder, the bras fit. The girls were plump and luscious in their new digs, and I was a bit rueful. My new size C breasts were hot damn it. I was an idiot.

Maybe C didn’t stand for average after all, but instead were Cute-As-Fuck, or Curvaceously Sexy, or just Commodities-Worth-Advertising? Whatever it was, it was working.

Armed with my new arsenal and a reason to deploy it, I bought my small bra and silently apologised to the smaller breasted women of the world. Maybe DDs weren’t the be-all, but for a long time I’d thought they were one of the few things I’d had to work with. So they were gone, but that’s not such a big thing. (…Literally.)

I’m still a fattie with flair. I’m still perky as fuck. I have great eyes, and of course I’m hilarious.

I also have C boobs, and a C bra, and maybe they won’t last. But in the mean time, I’m going to experiment with my Can’t-Stop-Looking-at-Thems, and enjoy them while I can.


The Flat Pack Craze and the 7th Day of Christmas

Anyone that lives in the ACT and region may be aware that Ikea opened up here in early November (and if you aren’t after it was shoved in our faces every five minutes for 6 months, you have a problem). Now Canberrans need not take the three-and-a-bit hour road trip up to Sydney every time they move into a share house just to buy cheap plates and maybe a flat pack bed or new lampshade. Huzzah! I stopped by the new store out at Majura Park with my mother last weekend with the warning that it would take at least three hours to get through it, which she promptly disregarded and continued to meander along as usual. I cried when we finally found the exit exactly three hours later, a few hundred dollars poorer and weighed down with plenty of crap we didn’t even go there for. It was thrilling.

Anyhoo! While there I noticed that Ikea has a flat pack gingerbread house kit! Pinterest, being the lair of Stepford Wives and Martha Stewart, has convinced me that decorating cakes and gingerbread houses is the easiest, most wonderful, coolest thing in the world, so I’ve been keen to get my hands on a gingerbread house kit for years. Despite my Pinterest delusions, though, a part of me is ruefully aware that I still use my patented “air cutting” method of chopping vegetables, so I knew enough not to start off with too much ambition. The $5.00 kit Ikea is peddling seemed like a great opportunity to try without blowing the budget.


This “budget” plan went out the window almost instantly. For anyone wanting to try this, this is what you get in the Ikea gingerbread house kit:


For some reason I expected the icing mixture, candy and whatever I needed to be in the box as well. That being a total fabrication on my part, I went to the shops and dropped over $30 on the extra bits- the kit from my local that probably DOES come with these bits was actually cheaper. >_<

This is the set up, after I finally had everything I needed:


The instructions actually said to put the house together first, THEN decorate it, but I wanted to do something *complicated*, so I ignored this. I first spent way too long researching gingerbread decorating, branched out into henna designs, went on Pinterest for a bit, before circling back to actually starting the project. First, the icing!







The icing is basically meringue with some lemon to smooth it. I didn’t have either a piping bag or any clue how to make one with with wax paper, so I also grabbed a sandwich bag and bit off a corner. It would’ve been effective if I had actually used it for more than five seconds. It turns out that piping was kind of useless after the roof, but go me for the good idea!

I did do the roof first, though, because it was the most exciting bit. I had the idea to use almonds slivers as shingles, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!

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It took forever because I wanted to use whole slivers and had to keep sorting these from the broken bits. BUT, worth it! After the roof, I experimented with adding icing decorations to my walls:



I learned this technique from a Balinese nail technician on a beach in Sanur when I was 16. It’s nothing fancy, but I’m pretty happy with the results!


The hardest part was gluing it all together. I now understand why the instructions say do this first. It was a MESS. Like, everything kept falling over and getting my walls all messy, and the stupid icing glue didn’t set for ages. I figured out the trick was to over icing everything and make sure you stick the bottoms of the wall down to something. >_< Look at how much icing is hanging out inside my house. Just, ew:


My roof tried to slide off several time, I had to touch up my walls, and the chimney wouldn’t fit over my shingles. This, I think, was the disaster moment. The copious icing started to set after about twenty minutes, though, and things got better after that. This is it before I gave up on the chimney:


AAAAND, with a final dusting of sugar and coconut, it’s done!


All up, the whole experiment took about five and a half hours, I got crazy sugar high from licking bits of icing off my fingers, and used maybe $10 of the $30 of extra crap I bought. I feel it was successful, even though I used twice as much icing as the instructions told me to and the stupid chimney was a eaten as scrap parts with a coffee by my dad afterwards. I will probably never do this ever again.

If you want to compare to the original, “follow the instructions” version, go here: LINK 

What do you think? Can I call this an Ikea hack do you think? Is it Pinterest-level decorating? Would you try it? Let me know below!

^_^ xx – Danni